When They Copy Your Style…But Leave Your Mindset

There are a lot of preachers…singers…and the like who like to learn the style of African Americans.

There is something about how we sing it and say it…

Probably from years of pain that was passed down to us.

Everybody can’t sing…or preach…by no means…


This “style” is something that is coveted by many…

But there is more to Black singing than style…

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Lamb Horned Beast Chronicles – Police Brutality in Ohio

Here is the heartbreaking video from a bystander as the children wonder what is happening as cops are beating the brother.

Pastor MyRon Edmonds, in Ohio is with a group of protesters protesting this problematic event.

In case you don’t know…Events like this are examples of dragon-like tendencies of the lamb horned beast…

Our brother, Pastor Edmonds, is standing up for the family and ultimately for all of us…

Huntsville SDA Ministers and the NFL Blackout

Huntsville Alabama area Seventh-day Adventist Ministers have called for a “Blackout” of the NFL over the treatment of Colin Kaepernick, a NFL Quarterback who made a lot of press when he took a knee during the national anthem instead of standing.

He did this to protest the treatment of African Americans, especially the number of unarmed African American males by law enforcement.

There appears to be collusion by the NFL owners to keep Kaepernick from finding a job even as a backup in the league.

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