We often find ourselves in the storms of life. One preachers said that in this life we are either entering a storm, leaving a storm, or in the midst of a storm. But God has given us a view of hope in the storm.
Genesis 9:12-16 tells the story of God’s promise at the end of the great flood that destroyed the earth. This was a storm. The Bible pictures Noah’s precarious journey through a huge flood and God’s promise int he midst of the storm. That promise is a colorful bow. Whenever we see a storm and the sun’s rays are visible, we can see this magnificent display. God is showing that God is there. God is reminding us that even this storm is under the control of an almighty God.

So you have storms, look up and find the rainbow. You may have pain, and that pain is just as real as the raindrops of the thunderrstorm, but so is the grace of God just as real as that bow of promise that traces along the sky. You might have struggles, but God is there just as sure as the bow of promise is there.
And you may have a cloud overspreading your horizon that your sins have caused. But don’t give in to dispair. Hold on, Hold out, God has a rainbow somewhere. I like what E. J. Waggoner wrote in The Gospel in Creation:
Let the cloud of sins be ever so thick and threatening, the glory of God’s word of grace shining upon it will bring into full view the bow of promise, and we shall remember that there is forgiveness with Him. So even the clouds of darkness that overshadow the earth may bear to us a message of comfort.