When They Copy Your Style…But Leave Your Mindset

There are a lot of preachers…singers…and the like who like to learn the style of African Americans.

There is something about how we sing it and say it…

Probably from years of pain that was passed down to us.

Everybody can’t sing…or preach…by no means…


This “style” is something that is coveted by many…

But there is more to Black singing than style…

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1888 and Race

I have heard a lot of talk about 1888 and the 1888 message, but we have heard very little on the issue of Race and these two ministers. I remember Elder Dudley used to say that God was trying to come to earth back in 1888, but many white folks were trying to go without the black folks.

An Attempt to Remove the Color Line in 1887

Interestingly I looked in the General Conference Bulletin of 1887, one year before that 1888 Conference. During that year the was an attempt to remove the color line from the Adventist Church by means of A.T. Jones, E.J. Waggoner, and others. I found this on the “Words of the Pioneers” CD.
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