There are a lot of preachers…singers…and the like who like to learn the style of African Americans.
There is something about how we sing it and say it…
Probably from years of pain that was passed down to us.
Everybody can’t sing…or preach…by no means…
This “style” is something that is coveted by many…
But there is more to Black singing than style…
Style just fits in with the content….
Listen to a spiritual sung by Sweet Honey in the Rock…
Note how the style supports the content…
That’s great Singing…
That’s great African American Singing…
I have written on African American Preaching…Go hit here…
At any rate, it is more than style…
But sometimes we only want to grab the style and run with it….
But then there are some folks who are not in the community and take the style and preach and sing content that is not in line with the style…
Paula White is an example of this…
She tries to preach it like a sista and then uses that style to preach and teach things that are anatehma to the community…
Some want to use the style to attack the very people that created the style…